The Lab brings together research activities and commercial exploitation. We conduct multidisciplinary and collaborative research to anticipate and analyse tomorrow’s innovations, find new business models and generate startup projects.
We collaborate with technological partners (large companies, research centers) in an open innovation approach. We use collaborative intelligence and systematic analysis methodologies to mature technologies and generate new business concepts.
We are typically interested in all transdisciplinary topics.
Our current research activities
✓ Industrial symbiosis
✓ Circular economy
✓ Industrial performance
✓ Environmental impact models
✓ Sustainable agriculture
✓ Nature-based solutions
✓ Human Factors
✓ Innovative materials
✓ Water solution

GA No. 776541-2
Towards a next generation of water systems and services for the circular economy
9,95 M €
30 partners
48 months

GA No. 768748
Scaling European Resources with Industrial Symbiosis
1 M €
5 partners
30 months

GA No. 814258
Phosphorus recovery for fertiLizers from dairy processing Waste
996 K €
12 partners
24 months

GA No. 820807
Safe and effective Human-Robot cooperation
7,3 M €
15 partners
48 months

GA No. EAPA_842/2018
Empower academia for knowledge transfer for value creation in the Atlantic area
2,3 M €
15 partners
36 months

GA No. 776866-2
Regenerating ecosystems with nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction
13,5 M €
36 partners
60 months

GA No. 820954
Advanced digital solutions to address current and future water-related challenges
5 M €
24 partners
42 months

GA No. 832800
A complete Forensic investigation chain targeting mobile devices
7 M €
19 partners
36 months

GA No. 870883
Policy, Expertise and Trust in Action
3 M €
11 partners
36 months

GA No. 869318
Industry and Water-Utility Symbiosis for a Smarter Water Society
16, 6 M €
28 partners
48 months

GA No. 814671
Bifunctional zeolite based catalysts and innovative process for sustainable hydrocarbon transformation
6,5 M €
14 partners
48 months

GA No. 679386
Enhanced energy resource Efficiency and Performance in process industry Operations via onsite cross-sectorial Symbiosis
3,7 M €
13 partners
48 months

Blueprints for Smart Cities: Developing the methodology for a coordinated approach to the integration of the water and waste sectors within the EIP Smart Cities and Communities
996 K €
12 partners
24 months

GA No. 689150-2
Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe
7,9 M €
26 partners
48 months

GA No. 958396
Advancing sustainability of Process Industries through Digital and Circular Water Use Innovations
11 M €
28 partners
48 months

GA No. 899415
EAF working with polymers derived from plastic residue in substitution of fossil fuel
1 M €
5 partners
36 months

GA No. 101000801
Thermochemical fluids in greenhouse farming
11 partners
36 months

GA No. 101091668
Local scale synergies between urban centres and industries
14,2 M €
35 partners
48 months

GA No. 101058656
Support circular economy and synergies between urban centres and industries
1,6 M €
7 partners
48 months

GA No. 101094302
How knowledge technologies can support a more inclusive participation of citizens in a democracy
2,6 M €
35 partners
36 months

GA: 101138097
Industrial Water circularity: reuse, resource recovery and energy efficiency for greener digitised EU processes
20 partners
48 months
GA: 101138191
AI-driven multiscale methodology to develop Transparent Wood as sustainable functional material
6,9 M €
13 partners
36 months